
Hungarian Hunter Stew
Super easy


Category: Soups
Seasons All
Cuisine Type American


For 4 Serving(s)

Stock Ingredients

6 slices bacon, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
2 1/2 lbs boneless beef cubes
1 cups minced onion
1 cup sliced carrots
3 cups beef stock
3/4 cup uncooked rice
1 green pepper cubed
1 portion salt & pepper as desired

Hungarian Hunter Stew Directions

  1. In large pot, cook bacon until it has rendered most of it's fat. Remove bacon from heat and set aside.
  2. Pour all but a thin layer of fat from cooker and then saute' onions.
  3. Add carrots and garlic to pot and saute with onions.
  4. Return bacon to pot. Stir in vinegar, 2 cups of beef stock and beef cubes. 
  5. Season lightly with salt & pepper. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer, covered for two hours or until beef is tender.
  6. Turn up heat and stir in uncooked rice, green-pepper and remaining stock. Bring to a boil then reduce heat and simmer, covered for 20 to 25 minutes or until rice is cooked.
  7. Add more stock if necessary and adjust seasoning if needed.

Recipe notes

Rice can be substituted with potatoes if preferred but you may need to thicken with flour and water if desired.

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