Sourdough Pie Crust

Total Time: 1 hr 20 mins
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Sourdough Pie Crust

Prep Time 80 mins Total Time 1 hr 20 mins


Cooking Mode Disabled

Ingredients by volume

Ingredients by weight


  1. Add flour, sugar, and salt to the bowl of the food processor. Pulse to combine.
  2. Scatter slices of butter over the top of the flour mixture; Pulse until the butter breaks up into small chunks. The smaller pieces should be around the size of peas with some larger pieces mixed in.
  3. Spread the sourdough starter over the top of the flour/butter mixture. Pulse until the mixture just starts to clump together a bit, but is still crumbly. The dough should feel like it will stay together if you pinch it with your fingers.
  4. Dump the dough crumbles out into a large bowl or on a pastry board or countertop. I like to use a big bowl to contain the pieces.
  5. Using your hands, quickly work the dough together into one big mass. It should stick together pretty easily. If for some reason your dough is too crumbly and won't hold together at all, sprinkle a tablespoon of ice cold water over the top and toss together then try again.
  6. Divide the dough into two equal pieces. Shape the pieces into flattened discs and wrap in plastic wrap.
  7. Put the discs of pie dough in the refrigerator to rest for an hour or up to overnight before rolling out for pies. To freeze, place the plastic-wrapped discs in a freezer bag and store in the freezer for up to 3 months. If freezing, defrost dough in the refrigerator overnight. For best results, use pie dough within 24 hours of refrigerating or defrosting the dough.


Make sure your sourdough starter has been recently fed (within a week) and is well chilled. The sourdough starter needs to be at 100% hydration, which means that it is fed with equal parts flour and water, by weight. 

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